Saturday 4 August 2012

Another milestone reached for Tiny Treasures!

Well, I reached another milestone on my Tiny Treasures Facebook page the other day.....900 likers reached!  And, believe it or not, the page is heading steadily towards the big 1,000 already as the current number of likers on the page is 966.

As some of you know, the powers that be at FB don't like us to do competitions and giveaways so I thought I'd make a little announcement here on my Blog.  Tiny Treasures will be 6 months old on the 12th September (which also happens to be my youngest boy's 13th birthday) so if I can reach the magic number of 1,000 likers before that date I'll be doing another giveaway!

I'll announce more details very soon but if you have friends on FB who you think would love Tiny Treasures please do invite them to take a look and like the page.  You can find a "Suggest To Friends" tab just under the main cover photo of the page.

I'm truly amazed and so, so grateful to all of my likers and wonderful customers for making TT the success it is in such a short space time.  Thanks, guys! :)

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