Friday 24 August 2012

Busy, busy, busy!

Morning everyone!

Absolutely mad busy with TT at the minute....could do with someone finding me an extra 10 hours in a day!  

I've also got a busy weekend ahead of me as I'm taking part in the Cancer Research Relay for Life on Saturday.  My friend, Michelle, has put the team together and we've both, unfortunately, had experience of cancer in our immediate of her daughters and my eldest boy.  It should be a great event with a fantastic atmosphere and we hope to raise lots of money for a great cause.

I've mentioned previously about running another competition when Tiny Treasures turns the ripe old age of 6 months on September 12th.  I was hoping to have reached 1,000 likers on my TT Facebook page by that date and I'm pleased to say that my likes on the page currently stands at an astounding 1,596!  So, the competition will definitely be going ahead and the prize will be a very special one......

The winner will receive one of my new charm necklaces with a small pure silver charm (stamped with up to 2 initials or a flower/heart/star) and a Swarovski channel charm in the colour of their choice.  This prize is worth over £25.00 and the winner will be first person to own one of my new necklaces before the new ranges are even launched.

I'll have more details about the competition nearer the time. 


  1. Little update.....1,600 likers on my Facebook page now! Absolutely chuffed to bits, thanks everyone! :)

  2. Well done Sharon. You deserve the success. After all it is your hard work and determination that has earned you all those fans! Really pleased for you. And long may it continue. :) xx
