Friday 13 July 2012

Thursday 5 July 2012

Competition time!

So, the other day I stamped a stainless steel heart washer with the name and date of birth of my eldest boy, Dale, and following on from that I received a request from my friend Dee who wanted one with the names of her 3 children and Swarovski crystals to represent their birth months.  Here's the pendant I stamped for her.....

Boy, was I unprepared for the amount of requests and comments I received about the pendant!  I was absolutely inundated with orders and enquiries, to the extent that I've had to start compiling a waiting list whilst I wait on new supplies arriving!  I currently have 30 requests for similar pendants so I'm going to be a busy bee over the next couple of weeks!

Anyway, I've been so happy with the feedback I've received and the way Tiny Treasures has taken off I've decided to do a competition and the lucky winner will win one of my heart washer pendants.  Due to Facebook rules and regs I'm unable to run the competition on my page so I'm doing it here on my blog.


All you need to do is take a look on my Facebook page,, go to the photographs and find out what colour beads are used on one of my Christmas decorations (the "2012 - OUR 1ST CHRISTMAS AS MR & MRS" decoration).  Once you know the colours used on that particular sample decoration all you have to do is email me the answer to  

It's simple!  

The competition closes on Friday 13th (sorry!) of July 2012 at 7pm so you have plenty of time to enter.  The winner will be chosen at random and I'll announce who it is on my page at around 8pm that night and I'll also contact the winner by email to let them know the good news.  Don't worry if you're already on the waiting list for a pendant and have paid.....I'll happily refund your payment.

Good luck, everyone, and thanks for taking the time to enter!